术语 | 英文 | 解释 |
呼吸 | Respiration | The process of inhaling and exhaling air, allowing the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body. |
麻醉 | Anesthesia | A state of controlled unconsciousness induced to eliminate pain and discomfort during medical procedures. |
急救器械 | Emergency Medical Equipment | Devices and tools used in emergency situations to provide immediate medical assistance and support. |
一次性使用雾化器组件 | Disposable Nebulizer Components | Components of a nebulizer that are designed for single-use only, ensuring hygiene and preventing cross-contamination. |
配套产品名称 | 产品介绍 |
一次性呼吸面罩 | 用于呼吸急救时,提供氧气或药物给患者,保持呼吸道通畅。 |
麻醉药剂 | 用于麻醉手术,使患者处于无痛或昏迷状态,以便进行疼痛或创伤处理。 |
急救氧气瓶 | 提供纯净氧气,用于急救患者的呼吸支持,维持氧气供应。 |
一次性雾化器 | 用于将液体药物转化为雾状,通过呼吸器或面罩给予患者,以便吸入到肺部治疗。 |