术语 | 英文 | 解释 |
呼吸 | Respiration | The process of inhaling and exhaling air, allowing the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body. |
麻醉 | Anesthesia | A state of controlled unconsciousness or insensitivity to pain induced by the administration of drugs. |
急救器械 | Emergency equipment | Tools or devices used in emergency situations to provide immediate medical assistance or treatment. |
多功能气管插管 | Multi-functional endotracheal tube | A flexible tube inserted into the trachea to establish and maintain an open airway, allowing for mechanical ventilation, suctioning, or administration of medications. |
配套产品名称 | 产品介绍 |
气管插管 | 用于呼吸道管理,将气管与呼吸机连接,维持呼吸功能。 |
呼吸机 | 用于机械通气,帮助患者维持正常呼吸,适用于麻醉、急救等情况。 |
麻醉药物 | 用于麻醉手术,使患者处于无痛无意识状态,确保手术过程顺利进行。 |
急救箱 | 装有常用的急救器械和药品,用于急救现场的紧急处理。 |
血氧仪 | 用于监测患者的血氧饱和度,及时掌握患者的呼吸情况。 |