
Weaver and company 导电膏 10-20-4 114g(114g/瓶 3瓶/箱)

2023-09-07 277
Weaver and company 导电膏 10-20-4 114g(114g/瓶 3瓶/箱)
Weaver and company 导电膏 10-20-4 114g(114g/瓶 3瓶/箱)

品牌:Weaver and company



Weaver and Company's Conductive Gel 10-20-4 114g (114g/bottle, 3 bottles/box) is a product that is widely used in various industries for its excellent conductivity properties. This gel is specifically designed to provide a reliable and efficient solution for conducting electricity in a wide range of applications.
The key feature of Weaver and Company's Conductive Gel is its high conductivity. It is formulated with a unique blend of conductive materials that allow for efficient transfer of electrical signals. This makes it ideal for use in electronic devices, medical equipment, and other applications where reliable conductivity is crucial.
The gel is composed of a mixture of conductive particles suspended in a gel-like substance. These conductive particles are typically made of metals such as silver or copper, which are known for their excellent electrical conductivity. The gel-like substance helps to evenly distribute the conductive particles, ensuring consistent conductivity throughout the application.
Weaver and Company's Conductive Gel is available in different types, depending on the specific requirements of the application. The 10-20-4 designation refers to the ratio of conductive particles in the gel. This ratio determines the conductivity level of the gel, with higher ratios providing greater conductivity. The 114g packaging is convenient for individual use, with each bottle containing 114g of gel. The 3 bottles per box packaging is suitable for larger-scale applications or for those who require multiple bottles.
“Weaver and company 导电膏 10-20-4 114g(114g/瓶 3瓶/箱)”是一种导电膏,以下是使用时需要注意的事项:
1. 本产品仅供外用,请勿内服。使用前请阅读产品说明书,并按照说明书上的指示正确使用。
2. 请将本产品放置在儿童无法触及的地方,以免误食或误用。
3. 在使用本产品之前,请确保皮肤干燥、清洁,并避免有任何伤口或破损的皮肤区域。
4. 使用前请先进行皮肤敏感性测试。将少量导电膏涂抹在手腕或内侧肘部的小面积皮肤上,观察是否出现过敏反应,如红肿、瘙痒等。如有不适,请立即停止使用。
5. 本产品仅限于专业人士使用,如医生、护士或技术人员。请勿自行使用或尝试。
6. 使用时请避免接触眼睛、口腔或其他黏膜部位,如不慎接触,请立即用清水冲洗,并咨询医生。
7. 请勿将本产品与其他药物或化学物质混合使用,以免产生不可预知的化学反应。
8. 使用后请将瓶盖紧闭,存放在阴凉、干燥的地方,避免阳光直射。
9. 如有任何不适或疑问,请立即停止使用,并咨询医生或专业人士的建议。
Weaver and Company's conductive paste, with a composition of 10-20-4 and a weight of 114g per bottle (3 bottles per box), is widely used in clinical applications. This conductive paste is specifically designed to facilitate electrical conductivity in various medical procedures.
One of the primary clinical applications of Weaver and Company's conductive paste is in electrocardiography (ECG). ECG is a non-invasive diagnostic test that measures the electrical activity of the heart. It involves placing electrodes on the patient's chest, limbs, and sometimes the back. These electrodes are then connected to an ECG machine, which records the electrical signals produced by the heart.
The conductive paste is applied to the skin before attaching the electrodes. It helps to improve the contact between the electrodes and the skin, ensuring accurate and reliable signal transmission. The paste's unique composition allows for optimal electrical conductivity, reducing the chances of signal interference or distortion.
Another clinical application of Weaver and Company's conductive paste is in electromyography (EMG). EMG is a diagnostic test that measures the electrical activity of muscles and the nerves controlling them. It is commonly used to diagnose conditions such as muscle disorders, nerve injuries, and certain types of paralysis.
During an EMG procedure, small needle electrodes are inserted into the muscles being tested. The conductive paste is applied to the skin at the site of electrode insertion. It helps to establish a stable connection between the electrodes and the skin, ensuring accurate detection and recording of muscle and nerve activity.
Weaver and Company's conductive paste is also utilized in other clinical procedures that require electrical conductivity, such as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) therapy and defibrillation. TENS therapy involves the use of low-voltage electrical currents to relieve pain, while defibrillation is a life-saving procedure that delivers a high-energy electric shock to restore normal heart rhythm during cardiac arrest.