
Physic-Control菲康自动除颤仪 LIFEPAK CR Plus

2023-10-08 547
Physic-Control菲康自动除颤仪 LIFEPAK CR Plus
Physic-Control菲康自动除颤仪 LIFEPAK CR Plus

品牌:菲康 Physio-Control



Physio-Control菲康自动除颤仪LIFEPAK CR Plus是一款先进的心脏除颤设备,旨在为非专业医护人员提供简单易用的自动除颤解决方案。以下是关于该产品的一些基本介绍:
产品定义:Physio-Control菲康自动除颤仪LIFEPAK CR Plus是一种紧急医疗设备,用于对心脏骤停患者进行除颤治疗。它通过电击心脏来恢复正常的心律,以提高患者的生存率。
特点:LIFEPAK CR Plus具有以下特点:
1. 简单易用:该设备采用一键式操作,非专业人员也能够快速上手使用。
2. 自动分析:设备能够自动分析患者的心律,并根据需要提供相应的治疗建议。
3. 可靠性:LIFEPAK CR Plus采用先进的除颤技术,确保在关键时刻提供准确有效的治疗。
4. 轻便便携:设备体积小巧,重量轻,便于携带和使用。
组成:LIFEPAK CR Plus由以下几个主要部分组成:
1. 除颤器主机:包含电击按钮、显示屏和操作界面,用于控制和监测治疗过程。
2. 除颤电极:贴附在患者胸部,用于传递电击能量。
3. 电池:提供设备所需的电力。
4. 软件:设备内置的软件能够自动分析心律,并提供相应的治疗建议。
类型:LIFEPAK CR Plus主要有两种类型:
1. 自动型:该型号能够自动分析心律,并在需要时自动进行电击治疗。
2. 半自动型:该型号需要操作人员手动触发电击治疗,但同样具备自动分析心律的功能。
Physio-Control's LIFEPAK CR Plus is an automated external defibrillator (AED) designed to provide life-saving treatment to individuals experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. Here are the main features of the device:
1. Ease of use: The LIFEPAK CR Plus is designed to be user-friendly, even for individuals with minimal or no medical training. It provides clear voice prompts and visual instructions to guide the rescuer through the entire resuscitation process.
2. Fast response time: The device is equipped with a Quick-Step system that allows for rapid deployment and initiation of treatment. It can analyze the patient's heart rhythm within seconds and deliver a shock if necessary.
3. Biphasic waveform technology: The AED utilizes biphasic waveform technology, which delivers a controlled electrical current to the heart. This technology has been shown to be effective in restoring a normal heart rhythm in a majority of cases.
4. CPR coaching: The device provides real-time CPR feedback and coaching to the rescuer. It guides the user on the correct compression depth and rate, ensuring that high-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation is performed.
5. Long battery life: The LIFEPAK CR Plus has a long battery life, allowing for extended periods of standby time. This ensures that the device is always ready for use in case of an emergency.
6. Data recording and retrieval: The AED records and stores critical patient data, including the ECG waveform and event details. This information can be retrieved and reviewed by medical professionals to assess the effectiveness of the resuscitation efforts.
7. Durability and reliability: The device is built to withstand harsh environments and is resistant to dust and water. It undergoes rigorous testing to ensure its reliability and performance in emergency situations.
8. Compatibility with accessories: The LIFEPAK CR Plus is compatible with a range of accessories, such as pediatric electrode pads and a rechargeable battery pack. This allows for customization based on the specific needs of the patient.
采购指南:Physic-Control菲康自动除颤仪 LIFEPAK CR Plus
Physic-Control菲康自动除颤仪 LIFEPAK CR Plus是一款用于心脏骤停患者的紧急救治设备。在选择采购该设备时,需要考虑不同医院等级、科室和预算的要求。以下是一些客观且有说服力的采购指南,以帮助您做出明智的决策。
1. 医院等级:
2. 科室需求:
3. 预算限制:
4. 参数要求:
5. 设备类型:
6. 品牌信誉:
结论:Physic-Control菲康自动除颤仪 LIFEPAK CR Plus是一种常见的临床应用设备,用于心脏骤停患者的紧急救治。该除颤仪具有简单易用、高效可靠的特点,被广泛应用于医疗机构、急救车辆以及公共场所等。
首先,Physic-Control菲康自动除颤仪 LIFEPAK CR Plus具备简单易用的特点。它采用了一种直观的操作界面,使医务人员能够快速上手并进行操作。除颤仪还配备了语音指导系统,能够提供清晰明了的操作指示,帮助医务人员在紧急情况下迅速做出正确的决策。
此外,Physic-Control菲康自动除颤仪 LIFEPAK CR Plus还具备便携性。它采用了轻巧的设计,重量较轻,体积较小,便于携带和使用。这使得除颤仪可以随时随地进行心脏骤停的紧急救治,为患者提供及时有效的抢救措施。