
Brand普兰德 Transferpette electronic单道电子移液器 0,5 - 10ul (705339)

2024-07-25 242
Brand Transferpette electronic single-channel electronic pipette 0.5 - 10ul (705339) is a precision instrument designed for accurate and efficient liquid handling in the laboratory.
This electronic pipette offers a wide volume range of 0.5 - 10ul, making it suitable for a variety of applications. It is ideal for tasks that require precise and consistent pipetting, such as PCR, qPCR, and other molecular biology techniques.
The Transferpette electronic features a user-friendly interface with a digital display for easy volume setting and adjustment. It also has a comfortable ergonomic design that reduces hand strain during prolonged use.
This electronic pipette is equipped with advanced technology that ensures accurate and reproducible results. It has a motorized piston that provides consistent pipetting performance, as well as a built-in tip ejector for easy tip disposal.
The Transferpette electronic is a versatile instrument that can be used with a wide range of disposable tips. It is compatible with various tip sizes and types, allowing for flexibility in different laboratory applications.
使用Brand普兰德 Transferpette electronic单道电子移液器 0,5 - 10ul (705339)时,请务必注意以下事项:
1. 在操作之前,请仔细阅读产品说明书,并按照说明书中的指导进行操作。确保了解设备的功能和操作步骤。
2. 在使用移液器之前,务必进行校准和预热。校准可以确保移液器的准确性和稳定性,预热可以避免影响实验结果。
3. 使用适当的移液管尖头和移液器容量,以确保准确的移液量。不要超出移液器的最大容量范围,以免影响移液的准确性。
4. 在吸取和释放液体时,要轻柔地按压按钮,避免突然用力或快速释放,以防止液体溅出或产生气泡。
5. 使用完毕后,及时清洁移液器,避免残留液体或污垢影响下次使用。可以使用适当的清洁剂和方法进行清洁和消毒。
6. 存放移液器时,应放置在干燥、清洁和避光的环境中,避免受到阳光直射或高温影响。
7. 定期检查移液器的状态和准确性,如发现异常或问题,应及时联系厂家或专业人员进行维修或更换。
Brand普兰德 Transferpette electronic单道电子移液器 0,5 - 10ul (705339)是一种高精度的电子移液器,广泛应用于临床实验室中的样本处理和实验操作。其0.5-10ul的容量范围非常适合微量液体的分配和传输,可以满足临床实验中对精确度和准确性的要求。
在临床应用中,Transferpette electronic电子移液器可以用于各种样本的分配和传输,包括血清、尿液、细胞培养液等。通过使用这款电子移液器,实验人员可以更快速、更精确地完成实验操作,提高工作效率和实验结果的准确性。