
Brand普兰德 Transferpette -12 electronic十二通道电子移液器 1-20ul (705460)

2024-08-14 177
Brand Transferpette -12 electronic is a twelve-channel electronic pipette designed for precise and efficient liquid handling in the laboratory. This model, with the product code 705460, has a volume range of 1-20ul, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.
The Transferpette -12 electronic features a user-friendly design with an easy-to-read digital display for accurate volume setting. The electronic operation ensures consistent and reliable pipetting results, reducing the risk of human error. The ergonomic handle and lightweight construction make it comfortable to use for extended periods of time.
This pipette is equipped with a tip ejector for easy and quick tip changes, saving time during experiments. The twelve-channel design allows for simultaneous pipetting of multiple samples, increasing efficiency and throughput in the lab. The pipette is also compatible with a wide range of tips, providing flexibility for different applications.
The Transferpette -12 electronic is a versatile tool for various laboratory tasks, such as sample preparation, PCR setup, and ELISA assays. Its high precision and accuracy make it ideal for research, diagnostics, and quality control applications. The durable construction and reliable performance ensure long-term use in the lab.
1. 使用前请仔细阅读产品说明书,了解正确的操作方法和注意事项。
2. 请确保移液器处于干燥清洁的工作环境中,避免灰尘或其他杂质进入移液器内部。
3. 在使用移液器前,请检查各个通道的正常性能,确保吸液和排液功能正常。
4. 在吸取和排放液体时,请确保移液器头部完全浸入液体中,避免气泡的产生。
5. 使用过程中请避免突然用力按压按钮,以免损坏移液器的内部结构。
6. 使用完毕后,请及时清洁移液器,避免残留液体或污垢影响下次使用。
7. 移液器仅限于实验室使用,禁止用于其他用途。
8. 请勿将移液器接触高温、酸碱等有害物质,以免影响移液器的使用寿命。
9. 如发现移液器出现异常情况或故障,请立即停止使用,并联系专业人员进行维修。
Brand普兰德 Transferpette -12 electronic十二通道电子移液器是一种用于临床实验室的高精度移液器,适用于微量液体的分配和传输。其设计独特,操作简便,能够提高实验效率和准确性。
在临床应用中,Transferpette -12 electronic移液器可以用于各种实验室工作,如PCR反应、细胞培养、酶反应等。其十二通道设计可以同时处理多个样品,节省时间和劳动成本。移液器的电子控制系统可以精确调节体积,确保每次移液的准确性和一致性。
此外,Transferpette -12 electronic移液器还具有防溅液设计,可以有效减少交叉污染的风险,保证实验结果的准确性。其符合人体工程学设计,握感舒适,操作方便,适合长时间使用。