
Brand普兰德 Dispensette III 标准型固定式瓶口分液器(4700231)

2024-08-14 260
普兰德Dispensette III 标准型固定式瓶口分液器(4700231)是一款高质量的实验室仪器,用于精确分配液体。该产品具有以下特点:
1. 高精度:Dispensette III采用特殊的设计和精密的制造工艺,确保液体分配的精准度和稳定性,可以满足实验室对于精确分液的需求。
2. 方便操作:Dispensette III 设计简洁,操作方便,配有易于调节的旋钮,可以快速调整分液量,适用于不同体积的瓶口。
3. 耐用性强:Dispensette III采用耐腐蚀的材料制成,具有优良的耐用性和稳定性,可以长时间使用而不易损坏。
4. 安全性高:Dispensette III 设计合理,操作安全,防止液体泄漏和污染,保障实验室操作人员的安全。
Dispensette III 主要由手柄、旋钮、分液管和吸液管等部件组成,整体结构紧凑,易于清洁和维护。根据不同的需求,Dispensette III 可以分为不同型号和规格,适用于各种实验室分液操作。
1. 使用前请确保瓶口分液器处于垂直位置,避免出现液体泄漏或溢出的情况。
2. 在使用过程中,请勿将瓶口分液器倒置或横放,以免影响分液器的正常工作。
3. 分液器使用完毕后,请及时清洗并擦干,避免残留液体导致分液器损坏或影响下次使用。
4. 使用时请注意选择适合的分液器规格,避免因容量不匹配而导致的误差。
5. 分液器在使用过程中如出现卡滞或液体无法正常流出的情况,请停止使用并检查是否有异物堵塞或其他故障。
6. 请勿将分液器用于高浓度、腐蚀性或挥发性液体的分液,以免损坏分液器或造成危险。
7. 在操作过程中请注意手部卫生,避免污染液体或分液器,影响实验结果。
8. 分液器在长时间存放或不使用时,建议拆卸清洗并保持干燥,以延长分液器的使用寿命。
Brand Dispensette III standard fixed volume bottle top dispenser is widely used in clinical settings for accurate and precise dispensing of liquids. This dispenser is designed to provide reliable and consistent results, making it an essential tool for various applications in healthcare.
One of the key features of the Dispensette III is its fixed volume design, which allows for easy and convenient dispensing of specific volumes of liquids. This is particularly useful in clinical settings where precise measurements are crucial for accurate diagnosis and treatment. The dispenser also has a smooth and easy-to-use operation, making it ideal for busy healthcare professionals who need to quickly and efficiently dispense liquids.
The Dispensette III is also known for its durability and reliability, ensuring that it can withstand the rigors of daily use in clinical settings. Its high-quality construction and materials make it a long-lasting and dependable tool for healthcare professionals.
In addition, the Dispensette III is designed with safety in mind, featuring a unique safety discharge system that prevents accidental spills and leaks. This helps to protect both the user and the environment from potential harm.