Brand Transferpette electronic single-channel electronic pipette 500-5000ul (705347) is a high-quality and reliable pipetting instrument designed for accurate and precise liquid handling in the laboratory.
This electronic pipette features a wide volume range of 500-5000ul, making it suitable for a variety of applications in research, clinical, and industrial laboratories. The pipette is equipped with a digital display for easy volume setting and adjustment, ensuring reproducible results with every use.
The Transferpette electronic pipette is ergonomically designed for comfortable and fatigue-free pipetting, reducing the risk of repetitive strain injuries. The lightweight and balanced design of the pipette allows for easy handling and precise control during pipetting tasks.
This single-channel electronic pipette is made of high-quality materials to ensure durability and long-lasting performance. The pipette is easy to clean and maintain, with autoclavable components for sterilization.
The Transferpette electronic pipette is available in a variety of models to suit different volume ranges and applications. Users can choose from a range of single-channel and multi-channel pipettes to meet their specific needs.
使用Brand普兰德 Transferpette electronic单道电子移液器 500 - 5000ul (705347)时,请务必注意以下事项:
1. 在使用前,请确保移液器已经正确校准和校验,以确保准确的移液量。
2. 在操作移液器时,务必按照操作手册中的指导进行操作,避免造成误差或损坏设备。
3. 使用移液器时,请注意避免将移液器直接接触化学品或腐蚀性液体,以免损坏设备。
4. 在使用过程中,建议定期清洁和维护移液器,以确保设备的正常运行和延长使用寿命。
5. 移液器仅限于实验室使用,禁止将其用于其他用途,以免造成意外或损坏设备。
6. 使用移液器时,请注意个人安全防护措施,避免接触有害物质或造成伤害。
7. 在使用过程中如有任何异常情况或问题,请立即停止使用并联系相关人员进行处理。
电子移液器是临床实验室中常用的一种实验工具,它可以帮助实验人员准确、快速地进行液体的移液操作。Brand普兰德 Transferpette electronic单道电子移液器是一款容量为500-5000ul的电子移液器,适用于各种体积的液体移液操作。
此外,Brand普兰德 Transferpette electronic单道电子移液器还具有易于操作、精准的体积调节、舒适的手感等特点,使得实验人员在使用过程中更加方便和舒适。同时,电子移液器还可以存储多组移液参数,方便实验人员在不同实验中快速切换参数,提高工作效率。