
Brand普兰德 Transferpette S-12数字可调量程十二道移液器 10ul (703720)

2024-08-17 267
Brand Transferpette S-12 digital adjustable volume twelve-channel pipette 10ul (703720) is a high-quality and versatile pipetting instrument designed for precise liquid handling in various laboratory settings.
The Transferpette S-12 features a digital display that allows users to easily adjust the volume setting for accurate and reproducible pipetting. With a volume range of 0.5ul to 10ul, this pipette is ideal for a wide range of applications requiring small volume transfers.
This pipette is equipped with twelve channels, allowing for simultaneous pipetting of multiple samples, which can significantly increase efficiency and productivity in the laboratory. The ergonomic design of the Transferpette S-12 ensures comfortable and fatigue-free pipetting, even during extended use.
The Transferpette S-12 is made of high-quality materials that are resistant to chemicals and corrosion, ensuring long-term durability and reliability. The pipette is easy to disassemble and clean, making maintenance simple and convenient.
1. 使用前请仔细阅读产品说明书,了解正确的操作方法和注意事项。
2. 在使用移液器前,请确保已经校准并调整到正确的体积范围。
3. 避免将移液器的活塞拉出过远或者推入过深,以免影响移液的准确性。
4. 使用移液器时,请确保吸头与液体完全接触,避免气泡的产生。
5. 在吸取和排放液体时,请缓慢而稳定地操作,避免产生气泡或者溅出液体。
6. 使用完毕后,请及时清洗移液器,避免不同液体之间的交叉污染。
7. 移液器的存放应该放置在干燥、清洁的环境中,避免受到阳光直射或者高温影响。
8. 定期对移液器进行维护保养,确保其正常的使用寿命和准确性。
9. 如有任何问题或者需要帮助,请及时联系厂家或者售后服务部门进行咨询和处理。
Brand普兰德 Transferpette S-12数字可调量程十二道移液器是一种用于临床实验室的重要工具,其精准的移液功能可以帮助医务人员进行各种生化、分子生物学和临床化验。这款移液器具有数字可调量程和十二道设计,可以满足不同实验需求,提高工作效率。
在临床应用中,Transferpette S-12移液器可以用于样本的分配、混合、稀释等操作,确保实验结果的准确性和可靠性。其精准的体积调节功能可以帮助医务人员避免误差,提高实验的重复性和可比性。此外,该移液器还具有舒适的手柄设计和易于操作的按钮,使操作更加方便快捷。