
Brand/普兰德 Transferpettor微量移液器吸头帽200-1000 ul 黄色(702854)

2024-08-17 320
Transferpettor微量移液器吸头帽是一种用于200-1000 ul容量的黄色吸头帽,适用于Brand/普兰德品牌的移液器。这款吸头帽具有以下特点:
1. 高质量材料:吸头帽采用优质塑料制成,耐用且不易变形,确保移液操作的准确性和稳定性。
2. 黄色设计:吸头帽采用醒目的黄色设计,便于用户快速识别和区分不同容量的吸头,提高操作效率。
3. 精准度高:吸头帽与Transferpettor微量移液器完美配合,能够精准吸取和释放液体,确保实验结果的准确性。
4. 方便更换:吸头帽采用易更换的设计,用户可以轻松更换吸头,减少操作时间,提高工作效率。
1. 使用前请确保吸头帽完好无损,无裂纹或变形,以确保准确的移液操作。
2. 在吸头帽上标明的体积范围内使用,不要超出其承载范围,以免影响移液准确性。
3. 使用前请检查吸头帽是否正确安装在移液器上,确保吸头与移液器的连接紧密,避免发生移液失误。
4. 移液操作时,请垂直吸取液体,避免倾斜或水平吸取,以确保准确吸取所需体积。
5. 移液完成后,请及时清洗吸头帽,避免残留液体干燥导致吸头堵塞或污染。
6. 避免将吸头帽暴露在高温或直射阳光下,以免影响其材质和性能。
7. 使用过程中如发现吸头帽有损坏或异常情况,请立即停止使用并更换新的吸头帽。
8. 建议定期对吸头帽进行检查和维护,确保其长期有效使用。
9. 请妥善保管吸头帽,避免受到外部物体的损坏或污染。
Brand Transferpettor microtransfer pipette tips are commonly used in clinical settings for accurate and precise liquid handling. These yellow tips are designed for volumes ranging from 200 to 1000 microliters, making them suitable for a wide range of applications.
In clinical laboratories, accurate and precise liquid handling is crucial for various tasks such as sample preparation, dilution, and transfer. The Transferpettor microtransfer pipette tips provide a reliable solution for these tasks, ensuring consistent and reproducible results.
The yellow color of the tips makes them easily distinguishable from other sizes, reducing the risk of errors in pipetting. This is especially important in busy clinical settings where multiple samples are processed simultaneously.
The design of the Transferpettor microtransfer pipette tips ensures a secure fit on the pipette, preventing leaks and ensuring accurate dispensing of liquids. This is essential for maintaining the integrity of samples and avoiding contamination.