
Compact Digital Microplate Shaker

2024-08-27 327
Compact Digital Microplate Shaker is a laboratory instrument designed for mixing liquids in microplates. It is commonly used in research labs, diagnostic labs, and pharmaceutical companies for various applications such as enzyme assays, immunoassays, and cell culture studies.
The key feature of the Compact Digital Microplate Shaker is its small size and portability, making it ideal for labs with limited bench space. Despite its compact design, it offers powerful shaking capabilities to ensure thorough mixing of samples in microplates.
This microplate shaker typically consists of a platform that can accommodate standard microplates, a motorized mechanism for shaking the plates, and a digital control panel for setting the speed and time of the shaking process. Some models may also include a heating function for temperature-sensitive samples.
There are different types of Compact Digital Microplate Shakers available on the market, including orbital shakers, linear shakers, and reciprocal shakers. Orbital shakers move the microplates in a circular motion, while linear shakers move them back and forth in a straight line. Reciprocal shakers combine both orbital and linear movements for more efficient mixing.
使用Compact Digital Microplate Shaker时,请务必注意以下事项:
1. 在使用前,请仔细阅读产品说明书,了解设备的操作方法和安全注意事项。
2. 请确保设备连接正确的电源并接地,以避免电气故障。
3. 在操作设备时,请戴上适当的个人防护装备,如手套和护目镜,以防止意外溅洒或飞溅。
4. 请勿将设备放置在潮湿或易燃的环境中,以确保设备的正常运行和安全性。
5. 在使用过程中,请勿将手指或其他物体伸入设备内部,以免造成伤害或损坏设备。
6. 使用设备时,请确保工作台面平稳,以防止设备晃动或倾斜。
7. 在设备运行时,请勿将液体或其他物质倒入设备内部,以免影响设备的正常运行。
8. 使用完毕后,请及时关闭设备电源并进行清洁和维护,以延长设备的使用寿命。
9. 如发现设备有异常情况或故障,请立即停止使用并联系专业人员进行维修或更换。
Compact Digital Microplate Shaker是一种用于混合和搅拌微孔板的设备,广泛应用于临床实验室和研究机构。它的小巧设计使其适合在有限空间内使用,同时具有高效的混合能力。
在临床应用中,Compact Digital Microplate Shaker可以用于混合和搅拌血清、尿液、细胞培养物等样本,以确保样本均匀混合,从而提高实验的准确性和可靠性。此外,它还可以用于溶解固体样本、混合试剂和底物等操作,为临床实验提供便利。
Compact Digital Microplate Shaker具有数字控制面板,操作简单方便。用户可以根据需要设置不同的振荡速度和时间,以满足不同实验的要求。此外,它还具有稳定的振荡平台和安全的盖子锁定装置,确保在振荡过程中样品不会溅出。