
Brand/普兰德 HandyStep S electric 电动连续分液器 (705000)

2024-08-27 322
HandyStep S electric 电动连续分液器(705000)是一款高质量的实验室设备,用于精确和方便地进行液体分装操作。这款分液器具有多种特点,使其成为实验室中不可或缺的工具。
HandyStep S electric 电动连续分液器采用电动操作,使得分液操作更加快捷和精确。用户只需轻轻按下按钮,即可完成液体的分装,省去了手动操作的繁琐步骤。此外,该分液器还具有可调节的分装速度,可以根据需要进行调整,确保分装的准确性和稳定性。
HandyStep S electric 电动连续分液器有多种类型可供选择,可以满足不同实验室的需求。用户可以根据自己的实验要求和操作习惯选择合适的型号,以提高工作效率和实验准确性。
1. 在使用前,请仔细阅读产品说明书,并按照说明书上的操作步骤正确操作。
2. 请确保电动连续分液器处于稳定的工作台面上,以防止意外摔落或损坏。
3. 使用过程中请注意保持清洁,避免污染样品或试剂,可使用适当的清洁剂进行清洁。
4. 请勿将电动连续分液器浸入水中或暴露在潮湿环境中,以免影响其正常使用和寿命。
5. 使用完毕后,请及时清洁和存放好电动连续分液器,避免灰尘或杂物进入影响下次使用。
6. 如发现电动连续分液器有异常情况,如异响、漏液等,请立即停止使用并联系售后服务人员进行维修。
7. 请勿私自拆卸或修理电动连续分液器,以免造成损坏或安全隐患。
8. 请注意电动连续分液器的电源电压和频率要符合使用要求,以免损坏设备或发生安全事故。
9. 在使用过程中请注意保护好自己的安全,避免触电或其他意外伤害。
Brand HandyStep S electric continuous pipette (705000) is a versatile tool widely used in clinical settings for accurate and efficient liquid handling. This electric pipette offers a wide range of volume settings, allowing for precise dispensing of liquids in various applications such as sample preparation, PCR, and cell culture.
One of the key benefits of the HandyStep S electric pipette is its ergonomic design, which reduces hand strain and fatigue during long pipetting sessions. This makes it ideal for repetitive tasks that require high precision and consistency. The electronic control system ensures accurate and reproducible dispensing, minimizing the risk of errors and contamination.
The HandyStep S electric pipette is also equipped with a convenient LCD display that shows the selected volume setting, making it easy to monitor and adjust as needed. The intuitive user interface allows for quick and easy operation, saving time and increasing productivity in the lab.
In addition, the HandyStep S electric pipette is compatible with a wide range of tips, making it a versatile tool for various liquid handling tasks. Its lightweight and compact design make it easy to handle and store, while the rechargeable battery ensures continuous use without the need for frequent recharging.