Brand Transferpette manual single-channel fixed volume pipettor 250ul (704148) is a high-quality laboratory instrument designed for accurate and precise liquid handling in various scientific applications.
This Transferpette pipettor features a fixed volume of 250ul, making it ideal for routine pipetting tasks in research, clinical, and industrial laboratories. It is suitable for dispensing liquids with a volume range of 50ul to 250ul.
The Transferpette pipettor is known for its ergonomic design, providing users with a comfortable grip and easy operation. The lightweight construction and smooth plunger movement ensure smooth and effortless pipetting.
This pipettor is made of durable materials that are resistant to chemicals and corrosion, ensuring long-term reliability and performance. The easy-to-read volume display allows for quick and accurate volume setting, while the adjustable tip ejector simplifies tip removal after use.
The Transferpette pipettor comes with a single-channel design, allowing for precise and controlled liquid dispensing. It is compatible with a wide range of disposable tips, making it versatile and convenient for various applications.
1. 使用前请仔细阅读产品说明书,了解正确的操作步骤和注意事项。
2. 在使用移液器前,请确保已经正确校准了体积,以确保准确的移液。
3. 移液器应该在干燥、清洁的环境下使用,避免灰尘或其他污染物进入移液器内部。
4. 使用移液器时,请避免突然用力按压按钮,以免造成意外溢出或损坏。
5. 移液器需要定期进行清洁和维护,以确保其正常工作和延长使用寿命。
6. 避免将移液器暴露在高温或低温环境中,以免影响其性能和准确性。
7. 移液器仅限于用于实验室科研或医疗用途,禁止用于其他非指定用途。
8. 使用移液器时请戴上适当的个人防护装备,如手套和护目镜,以确保安全操作。
9. 如发现移液器出现损坏或故障,请立即停止使用并联系售后服务进行维修或更换。
Brand普兰德 Transferpette手动单道固定量程移液器是一种常用于临床实验室的工具,用于准确地移液和分配液体。在临床应用中,这种移液器可以帮助医生和实验室技术人员进行各种实验和检测,确保结果的准确性和可靠性。