
thermo热电 -86°C超低温冰箱 TSE320

2024-08-27 235
“thermo热电 -86°C超低温冰箱 TSE320”是一款专为实验室和科研机构设计的高性能冷藏设备。该冰箱采用先进的制冷技术,能够稳定地维持-86°C的超低温度,确保样品的安全保存。
“thermo热电 -86°C超低温冰箱 TSE320”由冷冻室、控制面板、制冷系统等组成。冷冻室采用优质不锈钢材料制成,具有耐腐蚀性和易清洁的特点。控制面板简单易操作,显示清晰,用户可以方便地监控和调整冰箱的工作状态。制冷系统采用节能环保的制冷剂,保证了冰箱的高效运行和环保性能。
“thermo热电 -86°C超低温冰箱 TSE320”主要分为立式和横式两种类型,用户可以根据实验室的空间和需求选择合适的款式。立式冰箱适合放置在实验室的角落或狭小空间,横式冰箱则适合需要大容量存储的实验室。
1. 使用前请先仔细阅读产品说明书,了解产品的使用方法和注意事项。
2. 请确保冰箱周围通风良好,避免堵塞散热口,以确保正常工作。
3. 在使用过程中,请勿随意更改冰箱的温度设置,以免影响冷藏效果。
4. 请勿将超过规定重量或体积的物品放入冰箱内,以免影响制冷效果。
5. 在清洁冰箱时,请先断开电源并等待冰箱完全冷却后再进行操作,以免发生意外。
6. 请勿在冰箱内存放易燃、易爆或有毒物品,以确保使用安全。
7. 使用过程中如发现异常情况(如异常噪音、漏水等),请立即停止使用并联系售后服务。
8. 请勿将冰箱用于非指定的用途,以免造成损坏或安全隐患。
9. 请定期清洁冰箱内部和外部,保持卫生并延长产品使用寿命。
Thermo TSE320 -86°C ultra-low temperature freezer is a crucial tool in clinical applications where samples need to be stored at extremely low temperatures. This freezer is specifically designed to maintain a stable and consistent temperature of -86°C, ensuring that sensitive biological samples such as vaccines, enzymes, proteins, and cells remain viable for long periods of time.
In clinical settings, the Thermo TSE320 freezer is commonly used for storing samples that require long-term preservation, such as stem cells, blood components, and tissue samples. By keeping these samples at ultra-low temperatures, the freezer helps to prevent degradation and maintain the integrity of the samples for future analysis and research.
The Thermo TSE320 freezer is also essential for storing temperature-sensitive medications and reagents that are used in clinical laboratories. By maintaining a constant temperature of -86°C, the freezer ensures that these medications and reagents remain stable and effective for use in diagnostic tests and treatments.
Furthermore, the Thermo TSE320 freezer is equipped with advanced features such as temperature alarms, data logging capabilities, and remote monitoring options, making it easy for clinical staff to monitor and manage the freezer's performance. This ensures that samples are stored safely and securely, minimizing the risk of sample loss or damage.