
Brand普兰德 Transferpette固定量程单道移液器 5ul (704106 )

2024-08-29 179
Brand Transferpette fixed volume single-channel pipette 5ul (704106) is a precision instrument designed for accurate and reliable liquid handling in the laboratory.
This pipette is known for its high quality and durability, making it a popular choice among researchers and scientists. It is ideal for applications that require precise and consistent volumes of liquid to be transferred.
The Transferpette features a fixed volume range of 5ul, allowing for quick and easy dispensing of small volumes. This makes it perfect for tasks such as PCR, DNA sequencing, and protein assays.
The pipette is ergonomically designed for comfortable use over extended periods of time, reducing the risk of hand fatigue. It also has a smooth plunger movement for precise control and accuracy.
The Transferpette is made up of high-quality materials that are resistant to chemicals and corrosion, ensuring long-lasting performance. It is easy to clean and maintain, making it a reliable tool for daily use in the lab.
This pipette is available in a single-channel configuration, making it suitable for applications that require the transfer of one sample at a time. It is a versatile tool that can be used in a variety of laboratory settings, from academic research to industrial testing.
使用Brand普兰德 Transferpette固定量程单道移液器 5ul (704106)时,请务必注意以下事项:
1. 在使用移液器前,请仔细阅读产品说明书,了解移液器的使用方法和注意事项。
2. 移液器应该在干燥、清洁的环境下使用,避免灰尘或其他杂质进入移液器内部影响准确性。
3. 在使用移液器时,应该使用适当的移液管尖头,确保移液的准确性和精确度。
4. 移液器的容量范围为5ul,不要超出或低于该范围进行移液操作,以免影响移液的准确性。
5. 使用移液器时,请轻轻按压按钮,避免用力过大导致移液器损坏或移液不准确。
6. 移液器在使用完毕后应该及时清洁和消毒,以确保下次使用时的准确性和卫生。
7. 移液器应该垂直存放在支架上,避免受到外力挤压或摔落,以免损坏移液器。
8. 如有任何问题或疑问,请及时联系厂家或销售商进行咨询或维修,不要私自拆卸或修理移液器。
Brand普兰德 Transferpette固定量程单道移液器 5ul (704106 )是一种用于实验室中精确移液的工具,常用于临床应用中。移液器的主要作用是将液体从一个容器转移到另一个容器,以便进行实验或分析。