
Natus 耳声发射测试仪(听力检测仪)580-AX2191

2024-09-07 201
Natus 耳声发射测试仪(听力检测仪)580-AX2191
Natus 耳声发射测试仪(听力检测仪)580-AX2191




Natus 580-AX2191是一款耳声发射测试仪,也称为听力检测仪,旨在帮助医疗机构对患者的听力进行全面评估。该产品具有以下特点:首先,精准度高,能够准确测量患者的听力水平,为医生提供可靠的诊断依据。其次,操作简便,用户可以轻松上手,省去了繁琐的操作步骤,提高了工作效率。此外,该产品具有稳定性强,可靠性高的特点,确保长时间的使用不会出现故障。
Natus 580-AX2191主要由测试仪主体、耳机、连接线等组成。测试仪主体是整个设备的核心部分,包含了测试程序和数据处理功能;耳机用于向患者播放声音信号,检测其听力反应;连接线用于连接测试仪主体和耳机,保证信号传输的稳定性。整体结构简单,易于维护和清洁。
Natus 580-AX2191 耳声发射测试仪(听力检测仪)主要功能包括:1. 用于评估婴儿和幼儿的听力功能;2. 可以快速、准确地检测听力损失;3. 提供自动化测试程序,简化测试流程;4. 支持多种测试模式,包括自动和手动模式;5. 具有高灵敏度的传感器,确保测试结果准确可靠;6. 可以记录和存储测试数据,方便后续分析和跟踪听力状况;7. 设备操作简单,易于使用;8. 适用于医院、诊所等医疗机构使用。Natus 580-AX2191 Ear Sound Emission Tester (Hearing Test Instrument) Purchasing Guide
Hearing tests are an essential part of diagnosing and treating various auditory disorders. The Natus 580-AX2191 Ear Sound Emission Tester is a reliable device that can accurately assess hearing function in patients of all ages. When purchasing this equipment, there are several factors to consider to ensure that it meets the specific needs of your healthcare facility.
First and foremost, it is important to consider the level of the hospital or clinic where the device will be used. For larger hospitals or specialized audiology clinics, a more advanced model with a wide range of testing capabilities may be necessary. On the other hand, smaller clinics or general practitioners may opt for a more basic model that can still provide accurate results.
Secondly, the type of department where the device will be used should also be taken into account. For example, an otolaryngology department may require a device with additional features for more in-depth testing, while a pediatric clinic may prioritize ease of use and patient comfort.
Budget is another crucial factor to consider when purchasing the Natus 580-AX2191 Ear Sound Emission Tester. While it is important to invest in a high-quality device that can provide accurate results, it is also essential to stay within budget constraints. It may be helpful to compare prices from different suppliers and consider purchasing a refurbished model to save costs without compromising on quality.
In terms of specifications, it is important to look for a device that offers a wide range of frequencies and intensity levels for comprehensive testing. The device should also be user-friendly, with intuitive controls and clear display screens to facilitate testing procedures.
Natus 580-AX2191 耳声发射测试仪(听力检测仪)是一种用于评估听力功能的临床工具。这种设备通过测量耳内发射的声音来评估听力系统的功能和健康状况。
在临床应用中,Natus 580-AX2191 耳声发射测试仪可以用于诊断各种听力问题,包括婴儿和儿童的听力障碍、成人的听力损失以及其他听力相关疾病。通过对耳内发射声音的测量,医生可以了解听力系统的工作原理,从而更好地诊断和治疗听力问题。
此外,Natus 580-AX2191 耳声发射测试仪还可以用于评估听力助听设备的效果。通过测量听力助听设备产生的声音在耳内的传播情况,医生可以调整设备的参数,以提高听力助听设备的效果。