
Weaver and company 导电膏 10-20-4 114g(114g/瓶 3瓶/箱)

2023-10-31 191
Weaver and company 导电膏 10-20-4 114g(114g/瓶 3瓶/箱)
Weaver and company 导电膏 10-20-4 114g(114g/瓶 3瓶/箱)

品牌:Weaver and company



Weaver and Company's Conductive Gel 10-20-4 114g (114g/bottle, 3 bottles/box) is a product that is widely used in various industries for its excellent conductivity properties. This conductive gel is specifically designed to enhance electrical conductivity in a range of applications.
The key features of Weaver and Company's Conductive Gel include its high conductivity, reliability, and ease of use. It is formulated to provide a low resistance path for electrical current, ensuring efficient and consistent conductivity. This makes it an ideal choice for applications where reliable electrical connections are crucial.
The conductive gel is composed of a unique blend of conductive materials that allow for optimal electrical conductivity. It is a non-toxic and non-irritating gel that is safe to use on the skin. This makes it suitable for medical applications such as electrocardiograms (ECGs) and electroencephalograms (EEGs), where it is used to improve the quality of electrical signal transmission.
Weaver and Company's Conductive Gel is available in the 10-20-4 formulation, which refers to the ratio of its key components. This specific formulation ensures a balance between conductivity, adhesion, and ease of removal. It is suitable for a wide range of applications, including medical diagnostics, electrical testing, and electronic assembly.
The gel comes in a convenient 114g bottle, with each box containing 3 bottles. This packaging allows for easy storage and dispensing, ensuring that the gel remains fresh and ready for use. The gel has a long shelf life, further adding to its convenience and cost-effectiveness.
“Weaver and company 导电膏 10-20-4 114g(114g/瓶 3瓶/箱)”是一种导电膏,以下是使用该产品时需要注意的事项:
1. 本产品仅供外用,请勿内服。使用前请仔细阅读产品说明书,并按照说明进行正确使用。
2. 在使用前,请确保皮肤干燥、清洁,并避免有伤口、破损或过敏的皮肤区域。
3. 如出现过敏反应(如红肿、瘙痒、刺激等),请立即停止使用,并咨询医生的建议。
4. 避免接触眼睛、口腔、鼻腔等黏膜部位,如不慎接触,请立即用清水冲洗,并咨询医生的建议。
5. 请将本产品放置在儿童无法触及的地方,以免误食或误用。
6. 请避免将本产品暴露在阳光直射下,存放在阴凉干燥处。
7. 请勿将本产品与其他药品混合使用,以免产生不良反应。
8. 如需长期使用本产品,请咨询医生的建议。
9. 请勿将本产品用于其他用途,仅限于导电膏的使用。
10. 如有任何疑问或不适,请及时咨询医生或药师的建议。
Weaver and Company's conductive paste, with a composition of 10-20-4 and a weight of 114g per bottle (3 bottles per box), is widely used in clinical applications. This conductive paste is specifically designed for medical purposes and has various applications in the healthcare industry.
One of the primary clinical applications of Weaver and Company's conductive paste is in electrocardiography (ECG) procedures. ECG is a non-invasive diagnostic test that measures the electrical activity of the heart. The conductive paste is applied to the patient's chest to ensure proper conduction of electrical signals from the heart to the ECG machine. It helps in obtaining accurate readings and ensures the electrodes stay in place during the procedure.
Another clinical application of this conductive paste is in electromyography (EMG) tests. EMG is a diagnostic procedure that assesses the health of muscles and the nerve cells that control them. The conductive paste is applied to the skin over the muscles being tested to enhance the conduction of electrical signals. This allows for accurate measurement of muscle activity and helps in diagnosing various neuromuscular disorders.
Additionally, Weaver and Company's conductive paste is used in transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) therapy. TENS is a non-invasive treatment that uses low-voltage electrical currents to relieve pain. The conductive paste is applied to the skin over the area of pain and helps in transmitting the electrical impulses from the TENS device to the nerves. This promotes pain relief and relaxation of muscles.
Moreover, this conductive paste finds application in various other clinical procedures such as electroencephalography (EEG), where it is used to ensure proper electrode placement on the scalp for measuring brain activity, and in defibrillation procedures, where it aids in the delivery of electrical shocks to restore normal heart rhythm.